Coffee break - DEViANCE (Full ISO/2006)

Coffee break - DEViANCE (Full ISO/2006)
PC | 2006 | Publisher:Digital Jesters | Developer:Abell | 643 MB
Genre: Simulation

From the moment we leave school till the age we take a good retirement we all spend most of our days working our butts off in a place that never pays us enough to do what we do: THE OFFICE ! From Tokyo to Paris, from New York to London, men and women all find themselves gossiping in front of the coffee machine every morning before starting the long hard working day. Now, for the first time in history, a video game allows you to make fun of all this, to play tricks to your boss or to seduce the cute secretary on the second floor: COFFEE BREAK! Coffee break is a company life simulation with attitude. All your colleagues have different personalities and you must develop a good relationship with them all if you want to succeed in your different tasks. What are these tasks? Oh nothing more than avoiding being caught whilst robbing the company money, trying not to go to a very important (but so boring) meeting, finding a way to calm down a very upset client you did not deliver for, etc. Basically, all things that happen everyday in every company around the world! Do your job, blame others when things go wrong, be loved by everybody... or get fired!
Install :
1 . Unrar
2 . Burn or mount
3 . Install the game
4 . Copy the crack from the DEViANCE dir on the CD into game dir
5 . Play and enjoy, you might die tomorrow
