Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (2006/MULTI2/PC)
Year:2006 | PC Game | Developer: headfirst Productions | Publisher: Bethesda Softworks | 865 Mb
Genres: Action (Shooter) / Adventure / 3D / 1st Person

Are you ready to plunge into the dark universe created by HP Lovecraft - acknowledged master of "literary fear"?Do they have enough courage you draw back the veil that hides the ancient secrets of a small island, called by the people "Devil's Reef"?How do they lead the face to face with the nightmarish creatures of subterranean depths?Whether you'll fight them till the last drop of blood to the last surviving bones, or will you flee, completely surrendering to the dismay of animal?In your power is to tame the most dangerous enemy - his own mind, seeking to break into an abyss of madness at the sight of every unknown shadows, flashed in the gloom?There is only one way to answer these questions ...

? Fight the enemy using the features of the environment, arms early twentieth century, powerful evil artifacts and alien equipment
? Hold yourself in hand!Do not panic, struggle with the madness, do not believe hallucinations - or fiends, generated by your mind as you absorb the
? Forget about the short rest.Ugly creatures will hunt you singly or in packs, chasing at his heels and moving freely between the rooms
? Type in the first person you will never miss a single moment of this blood-curdling stories

System requirements:
? Operating System: Microsoft ® Windows ® XP (with Service Pack 1) or Windows Vista ®
? Processor: 1.5 GHz Intel ® Pentium ® D or AMD Athlon ? 64 3000 +
? Memory: 256 MB for Windows ® XP and 1 GB for Windows Vista ®
? Video: supporting shaders Shader Model 3.0 or higher.256 MB
? Sound card: compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
? Free space on hard drive space: 4 GB

Features RePacka:
? Do not cut / no recoded
? Independent choice of language interface / voice acting
? Installation time - 5 minutes

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