Law and Order Legacies Episode 1 to 3
Language: English
PC Games | Team: TiNYiSO | Publisher: Telltale Games | Developer: Telltale Games | ISO | 767.16 MB
Genre: Puzzle

In Law & Order: Legacies, you will play as the detectives, questioning a range of suspects then use your knowledge of the case to evaluate whether they are lying or telling the truth. You can also search the scene of a crime for clues, and use those clues in your investigation
Once in court, you will act as prosecutors to elicit testimony on the stand, and object to the Defense attorneys when they get out of line. As the jury watches, their sympathies will sway to one side or the other The jury?s feelings about your case will affect the outcome, as well as your ability to negotiate a good plea bargain should you choose to do so
