Shank II
Language: English
PC Games | Team: KaOs | Publisher: Electronic Arts | Developer: Klei Entertainment | ISO | 808.82 MB
Genre: Action

The fan-favorite 2D brawler is back as ex-mob hit man Shank returns to
action in Shank 2. With those closest to him under attack, Shank is once
again forced to go on the offensive
Now he must put his trusty arsenal of handguns, shotguns, automatic weapons
chainsaws, machetes, grenades, plus all-new weapons and moves to use in
order to protect those close to him

The original game set a new standard for comic book style visuals and Shank
2 raises the bar. Shank 2 expands on the original game's amazing combat
system to redefine the 2D side-scrolling brawler

