MyEclipse 8.6 (x86/x64)

MyEclipse 8.6 (x86/x64) | 2.79 GB
MyEclipse - IDE Java-based applications - IDE. (IDE - Integrated Development Environment - Integrated Development Environment - a system of software tools used by programmers to develop software). MyEclipse is based on the Eclipse platform and its extensions.
MyEclipse - a mega-project of the general functionality of a complex structure. We would like the MyEclipse documentation in bo? Lshey least consistent with the principles of a systematic approach in describing complex systems, which is MyEclipse. This would facilitate the understanding and the creation of a holistic view of the project. Of course, you can not get involved in the documentation, but simply "juzat" this software, using, as they say, "intuitive." However, as a preface to the official documentation, are offered the following brief explanation. (Additions, Changes of the "users" are welcome!)
Features editorial MyEclipse.
MyEclipse Enterprise (Professional version and Standart) - historically, the first version of MyEclipse. It lies at the heart of MyEclipse Blue editions and MyEclipse for Spring. All editorial MyEclipse facilitate the development and integration of different components of a large software project, and allow you to develop and implement a regular program and Web server applications. The average user is not participating in a large project that requires the coordinated execution and debugging of individual parts and the whole project, to develop and run the usual Java-based applications fit any version of MyEclipse and, of course, the basic edition - MyEclipse Enterprise.
MyEclipse Enterprise - an environment for building applications on Java, in particular, on the Java Platform Enterprise Edition. Java Platform Enterprise Edition, abbreviated as Java EE (up to version 5.0 - Java 2 Enterprise Edition or J2EE) - a set of specifications and documentation for Java, which describes the architecture of the server platform for problems of medium and large enterprises.
MyEclipse Enterprise edition and the other created by MyEclipse Genuitec, which specializes in servicing companies - application developers. MyEclipse as the product is the result of projects related to the establishment of corporate standards for Eclipse extension for various companies and gained popularity after the establishment of the company Genuitec first JSP-code debugger. Today a set of extensions that are part of MyEclipse, includes funds to support J2SE, J2EE, databases, UML, technology Java Server Faces, AJAX and generate reports. Wednesday MyEclipse is primarily intended for developers of large companies, primarily using J2EE technology and AJAX.
Revision MyEclipse Blue - MyEclipse Enterprise is optimized for creating applications that run on application servers IBM WebSphere (MyEclipse Enterprise for WebSphere). The basis of the infrastructure - a WebSphere Application Server. It runs everything else. It is designed to link and integrate applications and data in the environment of Web-based services. WebSphere - is the platform integration software (Software) at IBM. It includes a complete infrastructure middleware (such as servers, services, and tools) necessary for writing, launching and monitoring, 24x7 web-based applications on demand, as well as cross-platform solutions and solutions that involve a variety of products. WebSphere provides a reliable, flexible and sustainable integration software. Websphere for beginners here:
Revision MyEclipse for Spring - an extension to a model of MyEclipse Enterprise Spring Framework (MyEclipse Enterprise for Spring Framework) to build applications on Java. Because of the broad functionality is difficult to determine the most important structural elements that make up the Spring Framework. Spring Framework is not entirely associated with the platform Java Enterprise, despite its large-scale integration with it, which is an important reason for its popularity. This framework provides a consistent model and makes it applicable to most types of applications that have been created on a platform of Java. It is believed that the Spring Framework implements a development model based on the best industry standards, and makes it available in many areas of Java. MyEclipse for Spring can often be considered as an alternative to MyEclipse Enterprise, as the Spring Framework provides bo? Greater freedom Java-developers to design applications than the model Enterprise:
Documentation of MyEclipse for Spring (textbook in English) at the office. site here:
It should be noted that, beginning with the 9th version of MyEclipse (c July 2011), the company offers a product Genuitec MyEclipse Bling, which combines the MyEclipse Blue Edition and Myeclipse for Spring: Blue + Spring = Bling. At the same time separately and MyEclipse Blue Edition Myeclipse for Spring in older versions also remain. As part of revisions MyEclipse v.8.6 this product.
In the release version of MyEclipse all housed in a separate file, so anyone can download only what he needs.
Features of MyEclipse install Windows 7 64bit (for all editions of MyEclipse).
That after installing MyEclipse Program Compatibility Assistant Windows 7 is not "cursed", it is necessary to run the installation does not double "click" the left mouse button, and in compatibility mode for Windows XP SP2 (right). Then, after installing Windows 7 64bit box does not appear on the Program Compatibility Assistant to the notification that "this program may be installed incorrectly" prompts you to select: "Reinstall using recommended settings" or "This program installed correctly". In fact, in this case, you "click": "This program installed correctly" and forget this message.
"It is impossible to grasp the immensity" (Kozma rods - the son of five writers, Russian sage, author of the brilliant slogan "Behold the root!")
"Judge not, lest ye be judged! "(Jesus Christ - the Son of God, the Jewish prophet, preacher, author of another controversial slogan" Good-bye, and you will be forgiven ").
Activation of MyEclipse 8.6 (all editions):
Key-generator - a Java-based application. To start you need to install on your PC Java Platform: Java Standart Edition (SE) Development Kit 6 (JDK6).
At H & M A N I E!
On the official site already has a version of Java Standart Edition (SE) Development Kit 7 (JDK7), but with her Key-generator does not start!
If you suddenly version of JDK6 to the office. site will be removed and leave only JDK7, version of JDK6 Update 31 is in the hand.
1.Ustanavlivaem necessary Editor MyEclipse (Enterprise Professional, for Spring, Blue). Reboot your computer after installing each version of MyEclipse (optional but desirable).
2.Zapuskaem key-genertator: MyEclipse-KeyMaker.jar. In the KeyMaker need to enter:
-Editor (Edition) MyEclipse (Professional, for Spring, Blue);
PC user name (Name);
The number of licenses (Licenses), for example, "1";
-Term of the license-number of years of subscription (Subscription Years) - max 3 years;
Serial-copy to the clipboard (Copy Serial).
3.For the replacement of the 30-day trial-period of MyEclipse for 3-year-old:
-Run MyEclipse;
-Run MyEclipse Configuration Center (Help -> MyEclipse Configuration Center);
-Go to the tab Subscription.
4.In the box, click Edit Subscription Details, and enter:
Name of the user PC (Subscriber - Subscriber);
-Paste the Serial (Subscription Code);
-Click Apply.
5.Vyhod from the window of MyEclipse Configuration Center - "click" the arrow icon (at the top, right).