Navy Sailor 3000 ECDIS-i v 4.00.07

Navy Sailor 3000 ECDIS-i v 4.00.07 | 1,23 Gb
Prepare for installation:
A. Clear computer from all old versions Tranzas
Two. Delete the registry is windows all traces of files Sentemu and Sentinel
Three. Reload this computer
Install this version on Win 7
1.Postavit startup file in compatibility mode with XP SP2
2.Zapustit installation as an administrator! (If there are queries about the installation process to install the driver or not what I set the install. Next, you may come up window from Windows Firewall to offer the choice of the network, I set the Home. But these two requests may not emerge, but one Toshiba were at second passed without them, both had seven) Regarding a license to go into the folder LICENSE, License it FULL.
3.Perezagruzka machine
4.Kopirovat both files in the folder EMULATOR (SENTEMU.EXE and SENTEMU SYS) in the installation folder
5.Zapustit from the folder where you installed the file from the admin SENTEMU.EXE after starting the file copy SENTEMU.EXE to your desktop or somewhere else nearby. OH and then come in handy, as I shall write in the notes below.
6.Lezem folder LICENSE, open it, open the folder where Cracked Permanent License and out copy all the files in the installation folder, right in the root directory, ie C :/ Transas/NS3000EI copy all the replacement must go 6 files
7. Successfully run the program. If you did everything exactly according to my instructions, you will earn 100%.
Installing the card into the program:
1.Menyu start, tychem on NAVI SAILOR3000ECDIS-j, then CHART MANAGER
Two. In the window manager tychem FORMAT, select the TH97, click INSTALL
Three. A window opens select BROWSE, select the disk in the drive Charts Updated Up to 31.08.2009 and click INSTALL or OK))
4.Vybiraem tab manager view TABLE, so convenient to watch both your cards are loaded in the right window manager.
Five. When all the cards the Download Manager window, click on the top SELECTION, SELLECT ALL and click INSTALL. After agonizing minutes waiting for all the cards in the right window and copied to the left, then they are loaded into the program)
That's it! You have the program installed on my Toshiba with maps of the last proof-August 2009.
Notes: For what in step 5 of my install, copy the exe file cents on the desktop? Put on a few different laptops with Seven 32-bit, all the same feature occurs after a reboot can not start Transas proklyatuschee gets out the window type, the error dongle not found. Therefore, if such an error after the reboot comes out, just a slight movement run on behalf of the administrator on the desktop file SENTEMU.EXE Then again, run the program.
Everything works, it is checked several times. To not ask questions like that just follow my instructions on how to install, as I set and wrote, staged and wrote this guide. There are no rollbacks of system time and change the screen resolution is not required.
Seven feet under the keel and colleagues
Year: 2006
Version: v 4.00.07
Developer: TRANSAS
Web Developer:
Language: English
Medicine: present
RAR Pasword is: scenerelease_and_latest_stuff_by_saud_1
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