Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 EN-RU ISZ (x86/x64) | 1.76 GB
Designaround the world with powerful and flexible features AutoCAD 2013 -one of the worlds leading solutions for 2D-and 3D-design. Increaseproductivity by using tools that allow you to integrate all phases ofproject development and documentation, complete coverage and optimizethe entire process.
Features of AutoCAD
Examine your projectideas, using new powerful AutoCAD 2013. Connect to the Autodesk 360,share projects with friends on social networks, increase productivitywith improved form of documentation for the project. Applications forAutoCAD on the Autodesk Exchange will help you configure AutoCAD inaccordance with the terms of the tasks.
Extraction curves of the surfaces
The new feature allows you to get the curves, contours that pass through the point specified on the surface or edge of the body.
Context-sensitive tool PressPull
PressPulltool has become even more flexible and context-dependent. Now it can beused to perform squeezing and displacement curves, creating this waythe surface and the body. New option Multiple PressPull in the toolallows you to select multiple items for one transaction.
Means of 3D-modeling of arbitrary shapes
Nowyou can translate design ideas in virtually any shape. To createcomplex shapes simply move the face, edges and vertices. Tools formodeling surfaces of solids in AutoCAD and networks provide the maximumflexibility and control when designing in 3D.
Introductory operating 3D-space
Yourejust starting to model in 3D Now in AutoCAD is a workspace for you. Itcontains a set of optimized 3D-modeling and visualization, which allowsyou to quickly find the necessary tools.
Support for Point Cloud
Youcan perform simulations on the basis of 3D-scanning. This allows you tooptimize the labor-intensive reconstruction and restoration. Withsupport for up to 2 billion pixels, you can quickly visualize thesurface of the scanned object and bind to it directly in the workspacefor the simulation.
Office of the viewport in the workspace
Newcontrols allow you to change viewports viewport settings, customizeforms and visual styles directly in the workspace screen.
The new features of AutoCAD 2013
Incisions and remote elements
Thenew tab is designed to work with documentation, provides easy access totools to create profiles and remote elements. For cuts, the followingoptions: full, half, step and broken. The boundaries of portableelements may be round or rectangular. Binding section lines andboundaries of the original fragments of the characteristic points of thedrawings helps to maintain the accuracy with changes in the model andits species. Consistency of the graphical representation of cuts andextension of elements is achieved by using custom styles.
Strikethrough text
Ina multiline text Multileader, sizes, tables, and text along an arcstyle with strikethrough appeared that the increased flexibility of thetext in the presentation of documentation.
Communication with Autodesk 360
Theclose relationship with Autodesk 360 allows for file synchronization.Drawings and folders are in line with their online versions from withinAutoCAD . It is possible to export and transfer of files into singleuser accounts, as well as sharing files over the accounts Autodesk.
Synchronization adapted and auxiliary files
Adapted and modified settings AutoCAD support files can be used, even working on another computer.
Exchange of information through social networks
Built-inconnectivity to Facebook and Twitter to help communicate the draftsprepared in AutoCAD, with friends on those networks.
Applications for AutoCAD on the Autodesk Exchange
Extendthe functionality of AutoCAD application will help you co-developed bymembers of the network Autodesk Developer Network. Find the rightadd-in for now very simple. Autodesk offers hundreds of additionalmodules, among which there are certainly useful to you.
Context-sensitive tool PressPull
PressPulltool has become even more flexible and context-dependent. Now it can beused to perform squeezing and displacement curves, creating this waythe surface and the body. New option Multiple PressPull in the toolallows you to select multiple items for one transaction.
Import Inventor files
Autodesk Inventor Fusion complements the environment AutoCAD 3D-design newfeatures, allowing the flexibility to edit and verify the models comingfrom different sources. Body inside AutoCAD blocks can now be editedwithout breaking the blocks.
Extraction curves of the surfaces
The new feature allows you to get the curves, contours that pass through the point specified on the surface or edge of the body.
Preview at change of
Thereis the ability to dynamically view changes the image on the viewport.For example, if you move the mouse on the options in the list of visualstyles in the graphics area displays the result to be obtained whenusing this style.
Facilitated transfer of developments in AutoCAD 2013
Thanksto innovations and improvements in the product easier to transfer theuser settings in the new version and reset to its default state. Whenporting developments in AutoCAD 2013 more correctly handled toolpalette, added the ability to transfer custom materials.
Additional information
To turn off the Communication Center (aka Infocenter), use the following reg file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareAutodeskAutoCADR19.0ACAD-A001: 409InfoCenter]
InfoCenterOn = dword: 00000000
System requirements:
For 32-bit version of AutoCAD 2013
- Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional or Home Premium, or Windows XP Pro or Home (SP3 or higher)
- For Windows 7: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon dual-core processor with 3 GHz or higher with SSE2 support
- For Windows XP: Pentium 4 or dual-core AMD Athlon processor with 1.6 GHz or higher with SSE2 support
- 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
- 6 GB of hard disk space for installation
-A monitor with a resolution of at least 1024 x 768 mode and support fortrue color (recommended resolution of 1600 x 1050 and above)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher
- To install: connect to the Internet or DVD-ROM drive
For 64-bit version of AutoCAD 2013
- Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional or Home Premium, or Windows XP Pro (SP2 or higher)
-AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, Intel Xeon with support Intel EM64T orIntel Pentium 4 processor supporting Intel EM64T (all - with support forSSE2)
- 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
- 6 GB of hard disk space for installation
-A monitor with a resolution of at least 1024 x 768 mode and support fortrue color (recommended resolution of 1600 x 1050 and above)
- Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher
- To install: connect to the Internet or DVD-ROM drive
Additional Requirements for 3D Modeling (all configurations)
- Pentium 4 or Athlon, 3 GHz or higher, Intel or AMD dual-core processor with 2 GHz or higher
- At least 4 GB of RAM
- Optional 6 GB hard drive, in addition to free space required for installation.
-Class graphics workstations with memory of at least 128 MB, supportsscreen resolution of 1280 x 1024 mode, true color, Pixel Shader 3.0 orhigher and Microsoft Direct3D
