iAtkos L2 Hackintosh Lion 10.7.3 (Mac OSX)

iAtkos L2 Hackintosh Lion 10.7.3 (Mac OSX) | 3.86 GB
iATKOS L2- H@ckint0shLION 10.7.2+ LION 10.7.3 Update
for: Native PC (x32 & x64)and also Virtual Machine(VMware & VirtualBox)
.Change Log from L1 to L2:.
- 10.7.2 main system] Finally, Lion main system is completely OK for this release, though we are running it on real Macs. We discovered that previous release L1 and most retail installations starting from 10.7.0 have problems, especially for sandybridge hardware, tested on real Macs.. Upgrade installations from Snow Leopard are OK but they work slower than usual.
:arrow:I recommend iATKOS L2 release or retail installs using only the full 10.7.2 retail package.
- Bootloaders updated] Chameleon 2.1 svn r1650, Chimera 1.6
- dvd boot] updated to Chameleon 2.1 svn r1650, patched IOPCIFamily driver added, Non-AHCI ICHX SATA/IDE driver added, AHCI SATA driver updated, npci=0x2000 flag added
- Updated drivers, packages]
/Extra/Extensions option removed
AHCI SATA driver updated
Intel Non-AHCI ICHX SATA/IDE driver added
SSD Trim support added
USB 3.0 driver updated
PS/2 driver updated and laptop keyboard problem solved
laptop Battery driver added
GF100 and ATI 48xx driver updated for 10.7.2 system
Realtek RTL8111/8168 wired ethernet driver updated to v0.0.90
Ralink and Realtek wireless network drivers removed
Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 wired network driver added
Atheros AR9285 and AR9287 wireless network driver added
- System Updates] Some more drivers will be protected after the update, read the related section in the "read me".
Tips for iATKOS L2 installations:
- For iCloud and FaceTime] use Champlist to modify smbios.plist after the installation.
Champlist is located at /Applications/Utilities/Tools
- To activate AirDrop for all devices]
execute "defaults write com.apple.NetworkBrowser BrowseAllInterfaces 1" using Terminal
.iATKOS L2 Installation Guide.
The oscar goes to Apple and OSX86 community..
Thanks to all of our forum operators..
All the GGRN people, hey folks
Our team OSX86.TA?rk, EVOSX86, Project OS X, InsanelyMac, tonymacx86 and other OSX86 development platforms and the developers are the reason for this system to survive..
1-a) This is an OSX86 installer and this is only designed for Non-Apple X86 Intel CPU computers.
b) Includes Apple's Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 (Build 11C74), X86 patches and some basic drivers.
c) You do not need any other OS X system on your target computer, you only need iATKOS L2 burned to 4.7G dvd
or restored on a USB media to install OS X Lion.
2- Hardware Compatibility is the most important subject for this OS.
Requirements for OSX86 system:
- Intel Core CPU
- Compatible motherboard
- Compatible VGA card
- Minimum 1GB ram
- Minimum 10GB free space on target partition
So, you need to know about the compatibility of your hardware before installing this system.
To get your hardware details (Vendor IDs, Device IDs):
-Fire up a Linux Live CD (ie. Ubuntu Live CD), type "lspci -nn" in terminal and take notes.
-Windowsers, get Everest Ultimate Edition and export the information.
After download the iATKOS L2 distro and if your on Windows PC
convert this from .dmg to .iso and burn on a 4.7GB dvd at low-speed
- You can make clean, upgrade and refresh installs to your existing OSX86 system using iATKOS L2. Please read the related section below.
- Easy installation on Software RAID volumes, no additional user actions needed. Please read the related section below.
- Using software updater to apply main system updates just like real Macs on most PC hardware is possible, but we can never know what Apple will do in their upcoming updates, so it may not result in 0 success, also some of the drivers should be reinstalled after updates. Please read the related section below.
- This installer may not include all the necessary drivers required by your setup. Additional steps may be needed to be taken by the user to setup and use such components.
- Main system is fully stock. @Karmic Alice and I are running L2 main system on our MacBooks. After working on real Macs, finally Lion system is now completely OK with this L2 release. Thanks to @Karmic Alice for participating on the experimental work.
- AppleHDA patches, some VoodooHDA kexts and the Chimera bootloader is from tonymacx86.com
- Artwork by @denizckosar
- Spanish translations by @Karmic Alice.
.Before Installation:.
- Backup your personal data
- Check your BIOS settings ]]
Execute Disable bit: Enabled
XD: Enabled
Limit CPUID Max: Disabled
Virtualization: Disabled or Enabled, try it.
Hyper-threading: Disabled or Enabled, try it.
HPET: Enabled
- A target partition (primary partition for MBR) or disk will be needed for installation. If you are not an advanced user, then use a clean harddisk with no personal data/OS as for target and unplug all the other harddisk drives connected to your motherboard just to be safe.
- If the target disk includes personal data and/or any OS, we advice Parted Magic Live CD for partitioning and such operations for preparing a target. You can also do the partitioning and create targets by using OS X Disk Utility.
.Starting the Installation:.
- Boot using the iATKOS L2 media (dvd or USB)
- If you have a NetBook with an Intel Atom CPU, then press F8 at boot screen, type "mach_atom" without quotes and hit enter.
- Select the language
.Clean Installation:.
1- Run Disk Utility via Utilities menu and erase the target for clean install
- You can choose MBR (Master Boot Record) or GPT (Guid Partition Table) via partitioning options. If you want to change your existing partition table type, note that all your existing data on disk will be gone! Please do not play with partitioning options if your are not an advanced user.
2- Select the destination for installation
3- Click Customize* and select what you need
4- Click Install
.Upgrade from previous versions:.
You can upgrade your existing Snow Leopard or Lion installations to Lion 10.7.2 or make a refresh install to your 10.7.2 system (keeping your applications, data, user settings and accounts) by using iATKOS L2.
Some of your drivers/applications just may not be compatible with Lion, know that they may fail after upgrade, this may also cause kernel panics. So search for your existing software/driver compatibility for Lion, before upgrading to Lion.
Your 3rd party applications, personal data, user settings and user accounts will be reserved but all system files/drivers/applications will be gone, so you will need to setup your selections just like a clean install.
1- Select the destination for upgrade installation
2- Click Customize* and select what you need
3- Click Install
. Customize:.
This is the most important part of the installation. List of selections..
There is already a basic default profile chosen. You should add only device drivers for your hardware setup at first trials of your OSX86 installing adventure if you are a newbie, then you may try adding other packages to find out the best combination for your PC. Adding a few packages to default profile will probably be enough for most computers.
Please read the descriptions of the packages carefully.
Basics you should know:
- Do not select more than one item for one operation. ie. graphic cards or bootloaders. Only select one bootloader, one enabler method for your graphic card, one method for your sound card, etc..
- "Graphics Enabler" option of the bootloader should be the first choice for activating the OS X driver for your VGA card.
- You can of course try the drivers or methods to make your hardware components work but, it is better to google it before trying the packages. You can easily find the solution for i.e. nVidia 5xx cards inside the iATKOS L2 by searching on google (select ATY_Init and after install, add your device id.. etc.).
- Most ATI Mobility VGA cards are not compatible with this system and most compatible ATI cards need their custom packages/modifications which is not included in this release. You must search and find the appropriate driver/solution by your own for such ATI hardwares, so do not continuously ask for ATI support on forum.
- You may not be able to have success at first trials, so keep on trying.. If you are complaining about having no success on 3rd install, then install Windows XP.
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