Multiboot CD MX-Boot-CD 6.10 build 2379 (& Alt.ver) DOS 8.0

Multiboot CD MX-Boot-CD 6.10 build 2379 (& Alt.ver) DOS 8.0 | 608 MB
Year: 2012
Platform: do not matter, because Disk boot
Language load: Russian
Language programs: Russian / English. / Multiyaz. (Depending on program)
Medicine: Do not need / includes / key (depending on program)
Size: 163.24 MB (2 in 1)
Undoubtedly, this CD can be classified as a "must have". Particularly useful and interesting it will be people like computer professionals and beginners. Also, due to the presence of the vast majority of software DOSovskogo various purposes, this disc can be used for various purposes - from simple familiarity with DOS system to almost a full work and play. DOS 8.0 - is the latest of his version, which was released in 2000. Since then, Microsoft finally ceased to develop it.An important feature of DOS 8.0 is support for RAM-disk which resets all of his boot infa, basic commands, and so on. With this drive, you can easily pull out during the work without fear for the stability of DOSa.
Download the choice of MX-Boot-CD:
. DOS 8 with support for long filenames, XMS, NTFS, USB, CD / DVD ...
. Boot DOS from Windows 98 SE Rus.
. DOS 7 from Windows-98 SE.
. Test RAM MemTest86 + 4.20
. Test RAM MemTest86 + 2.01
. Active @ BootDisk
. BootIt NG 1.87
. BootIt BareMetal 1.07 registered
. HDD Regenerator v.1.51
. MHDD 4.6
. Ontrack EasyRecovery Diagnostic Disk 6.22
. Ontrack EasyRecovery Emergency Disk 6.22
. Ontrack EasyRecovery Diagnostic Disk (old)
. Ontrack EasyRecovery Emergency Disk (old)
. Acronis True Image 6.0 Boot CD
. Acronis True Image 9.1.3544
. Acronis Disk Director 10.0.2064 Bootable CD
. Acronis Boot CD SE (StAlKeR Edition) 3.0 * (True Image Ent. Server Rus 9.1.3694, Snap Deploy Management Console Eng 2.0.2064, Disk Director Server Rus 10.0.2064, OS-Selector Rus 10.0.2117 (Password OSS: U97R4-WTRDM-5EUXS-Y9ZWC-U6CPJ), Boot Agent Acronis Rus 9.1.3694.)
. R-Drive Image 4.7.4737
. Kolibri OS Eng.
. Kolibri OS Rus.
. C: drive
. To drive A:
. Reboot
* (Optional, only in full version)
Differences verianta "Alt." (Complete) from his younger brother:
. Acronis Boot CD SE (StAlKeR Edition) 3.0
. Complete collection of DOOM
. Various small DOS-based games
Also on the disc you can find many programs: archivers, antivirus, converter, games (incl. legendary DOOM in different versions), disk utilities, and testers, emulators, filemanager (incl. Norton Commander and Volkov Commander) , graphics, and networking tools, packers (incl. UPX), players and much more.
Number of programs in the hundreds.
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