Autodesk Maya 8.5 (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X)

Autodesk Maya 8.5 (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X) | 1.89 GB
Autodesk ® Maya ® - a powerful integrated solution for three-dimensional modeling, animation, visual effects and rendering the award-winning Academy Award ® (Oscar). Built on open architecture, all your work can be written in the form of scripts or programmed using well-documented and comprehensive set of programs for the Developer (SDK), allowing you to freely exercise their creative vision.
Autodesk Maya is used by artists (video and film), game developers, visualization professionals, and design students to create an exciting, believable digital images, realistic animation and original visual effects.
What's new:
Maya Nucleus Unified Simulation Framework
First installed the next generation technology Maya Nucleus - simulation based on a system of coupled particles (linked particle system), interactive modeling a wide range of different physical phenomena, and working with different types of geometry (curves, non-manifold geometry, polygon mesh with holes, etc. )
Maya nCloth
The first module of Maya, created by the technology of Nucleus, enabling new ways of modeling and control options of clothing, in particular, flexibility, fit, fabric weave density. It is possible to create a "clothes on the clothes," such as a shirt over his trousers, with a plausible behavior of tissues and collisions. The fabric can be folded clothes, stretch, shift, crumple, tear. In addition to clothing Maya nCloth lets you create deformation of plastic and metal, inflatable objects, the effects of solids (rigid-body) and the dynamics of flow (fluidic-type effects). Maya nCloth is supplied as part of Maya Unlimited.
This scripting language is not only integrated into the Maya environment at the same level as MEL, but being tied to OpenMaya API, serves as an alternative language plug-in development. Advanced Maya Python modules can be imported into an external standalone Python interpreter for batch processing. High-level language constructs in Python code is easy to provide a supported developer productivity up to par. Language is also easily extensible, has an extensive collection of free modules from third developers.
The new mental ray shaders
In Maya 8.5 greatly simplifies the creation of physically accurate environment. New physical sun shader, and physical sky allows you to create photo-realistic picture of the sky based on the position of the sun. Also added new architectural and design shaders for effects grated flooring, frosty glass, clay, etc.
Migrating attributes of polygons
Possible to transfer information on the UV, color per vertex (CPV) and vertex position between the polygonal grids of different topologies - even in cases of separation in space or differences in the proportions and scale. This means that, for example, when working with two different versions of an object or character (high and low poly), you can quickly transfer existing UV sets are already built up on the low poly model. In Maya 8.5 it is also possible to use brushes to achieve a seamless interface between the source and target deformations.
The flow of work in mental ray
New and reorganized render attributes make the settings for rendering more intuitive. For example, in the Render Option editors and Batch Render Option, you can configure mental ray to automatically determine at the start of each render the optimal memory limit, tile size, or size of the number of tasks (threads). Frames High Dynamic Range (HDR) images can be generated from the option batch bake, Transfer Map feature or site bakeSet.
A. Create a folder "Flexlm" hard disk "C", even if you are installing to another drive
Two. Unzip the file maya85cr
Three. Copy both files (aw.dat and awkeygen.exe) from the folder "Crack" in "c: Flexlm"
4. Install Maya
Five. Log in / Start / All Programs / Autodesk / Sommon utilities / FlexLM License Utilities
6. On the tab "System Settings" copy value "Ethernet address"
7. Open the file "aw.dat" from "c: Flexlm" with notepad and replace "000000000000" insert value "Ethernet address" (replace all three rows with zeros), and save the file
Eight. Start a command prompt: awkeygen.exe aw.dat or just drag on aw.dat awkeygen.exe
System requirements:
XP Professional (SP2 or higher)
Intel ® Pentium ® 4 or higher or AMD Athlon ® XP processor
2 GB hard disk space
Qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL ® graphics card
Three-button mouse with mouse driver software
DVD-ROM drive
OS X version 10.4 or later (Mac OS X Server is not supported)
A minimum of 500MB of avalible disk space
Red Hat Enterprise WS 4.0 update 4
Fedora Core 5
SUSE 10.1
A minimum of 450MB of avalible disk space
Year: 2007
Version: 8.5
Developer: Autodesk
Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Language: English only
Medicine: Present
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