Original iOS 6 Beta 1 10A5316k IPad 2 3 iPhone 3Gs 4 4S iPod Touch 4g Multilingual 33

Original iOS 6 Beta 1 10A5316k [IPad 2, 3] [iPhone 3Gs, 4, 4S] [iPod Touch 4g] Multilingual 33 | 8,67 Gb
Key features:
Three-dimensional maps
Updated Siri
Integrated Facebook
Updated photostream
List of changes
Do not just maps. Three-dimensional maps. Three-dimensional mode is called Flyover. By switching to it, you can travel on models of cities, created (as in the case of Maps Google) by aerial photography. 3D leaked in navigation mode, which is now complete - turn by turn (turn round the corner). But if you see the default photomaps, the navigation mode, it becomes sketchy. Here - Enhanced functionality jams, accidents with icons, repaired roads and accidents. Flyover and turn by turn will only be available on the iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and the new iPad.
Start with the fact that the virtual assitent learned many new languages ??... among which there is no Russian. Consider it a major disappointment today. Siri is still not understood in Russian, but knows Spanish, Italian, Korean and North Chinese languages ??(in addition to English, German, French and Japanese), and Cantonese.
The second major innovation is directly related to the sport, the benefit of Siri now gives you the background information on football, basketball, hockey, American football and baseball. Scores in matches, data on both teams, as well as about individual players, schedule of future games - all this is now aware of Siri is better than any bookmaker.
One hundred points ahead and give it the habit of gourmets! Find a restaurant has become a much more detailed, with lots of details about the establishment. And in those countries where the common service OpenTable (Russia in the span), you can even ask Siri to book your table!
However, the front of the restaurant, people often go to the movies. Here, Siri was right there: ready to give the schedule shows, tell interesting facts about a particular picture, play the teaser (!) And much more.
I almost forgot the most important thing, as a separate item and not a sin to strike. With iOS 6 Siri comes to the new iPad! Is not it great?
"Twitter has become a system service" - yours truly wrote a year ago. And now Facebook has become so well. Upload photos from film. Pinpoint your location in Maps. Show off developments in the Game Center. Synchronize with the most popular social network their calendars and contacts. Put a mark "Like" for applications from the App Store and songs from iTunes. Write to the Chronicle of Facebook notifications directly from the Centre, or ask Siri to write something. The social world at your feet.
Your album in iCloud can now share with friends. You point out, who to include in the list of trusted - and they are automatically sent to the selected photo (well at least not all). They have no iOS-devices or Mac? Let use the web page where you can assign a rating and comment on photos. Apple is making another attempt to create their own social networks like ... Lets see what happens.
Passbook - is a virtual wallet for iPhone-discount cards, tickets and coupons. Is tied to the geo-location services, for example, when youre at the airport getting ready to show the employee an e-ticket, corresponding to the slider on the lock screen appears automatically. The application is important for States, where electronic tickets are really widespread.
On video communication is simple - she is now finally works over 3G, and if the new iPad, a 4G. In addition, your personal ID in the FaceTime can now serve as a phone number. Direct analogy with iMessage? Yes, perhaps so.
The new interface will help the incoming call when you can not pick up the phone. Send the message to the caller of a given form or create a reminder not to forget to call back. You do not want anyone to hear? Activate the "Do Not Disturb" from the Settings! You can assign a schedule of when to make calls with reminders, and when not to. Customization - above all else.
To e-mail client - small changes in design, an additional category of VIP (sides, which can not be ignored), as well as the function insert photos and videos directly to the text of the letter. Oh yeah, and Apple finally introduces the pull to refresh, when to update the list of messages, simply pull it down. And we really do not have dreamed.
Browser taught sync open tabs with iCloud, where they are loaded on all your other devices, and in the reading list now link is not preserved, but the whole page. He wanted to read later, with an internet connection or not - read on health. Especially since it makes it easier to read: flips to landscape mode, you press a button - and the page opens on the screen. Add to this load shot video and photos without having to leave the Safari.
In the present mass of 6 iOS services for people with disabilities. There is even a sleep function buttons and Softpedia php.ini disable the display areas - all with the aim to focus the user to the content. Pronunciation through VoiceOver once again improved, added integration with Maps, as well as - and this is the most interesting - have announced the cooperation with the manufacturers of hearing aids (!). In other words, very soon, these devices will be compatible with the iPhone 4S. Its very nice that Apple has gone to such cooperation.
IOS available for:
ipad 2,1 - ipad 2 Wi-Fi
ipad 2,2 - ipad 2 Wi-Fi + 3g
ipad 2,3 - ipad 2 Wi-Fi + 3g (cdma)
ipad 2,4 - ipad 2 new wifi
ipad 3,1 - ipad three Wi-Fi
ipad 3,2 - ipad three Wi-Fi + 4g (cdma)
ipad 3,3 - ipad three Wi-Fi + 4g
iphone 3,1 - iphone 4
iphone 3,3 - iphone cdma 4
iphone 4,1 - iphone 4s
Year: 2012
Version 6 beta 1
Developer: Apple
Web Developer: http://apple.com
System Requirements: iTunes 10.6.3
Compatible devices: iPad 2, iPad 3, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4g
Language: English, Russian, and others [multilang 33]
File Format: . Ipsw
RAR Password is: scenereleasing_and_providing_you_latest_stuff___sa ud_1