Schneider Electric Vijeo Citect 7.20 SP3 x86

Schneider Electric Vijeo Citect 7.20 SP3 x86 | 1.63 GB
Year / Date: 2011
Version: 7.20 SP3
Developer: Schneider Electric
Web Developer: Schneider Electric
Program site: Vijeo Citect
Bit depth: 32bit
Compatible with XP: complete
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7 full time
Language: English + Russian
License: Freeware
System requirements:
Minimum: CPU: Intel Pentium 3 1GHz, RAM: 512Mb, HDD: 80Gb, Video: 64Mb
Recommended: CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3,2 GHz, RAM: 2Gb, HDD: 160Gb, Video: 128Mb
All components: CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3,2 GHz, RAM: 3Gb, HDD: 250Gb, Video: 128Mb
Vijeo Citect tools for rapid development of SCADA-making, which is used to control and monitor processes in different areas: oil and gas, and gordnodobyvayuschey PROCESSING, water treatment, food processing, management of buildings and structures, etc.
Vijeo Citect as a software product for developing automation solutions since 1987.
Vijeo Citect has the full functionality and meets all the needs of businesses to collect, process, display, management and archiving of data.
Extras. Information:
The key features:
Simple and flexible client-server architecture c possibility of clustering that allows building scalable solutions both in terms of system size and in terms of load distribution between clients and servers;
Reservation of "out of the box," redundancy built into the Vijeo Citect at the kernel level. Reservations are absolutely all parts of the system, backed up clients and servers, communication between clients and servers, communication equipment;
Team Development on the project or projects, fast switching between projects, and developed a strong referral system, availability of relevant online documentation, knowledge base;
Powerful tools for the development of scripts. Support their language Cicode (similar to Pascal) and CitectVBA - analogue Microsoft VBA, both languages ??are supported by step-through debugging scripts. Cicode support events, including system, multitasking and multithreading support scripting. Powerful editor with syntax highlighting and autoindent. Remote debugging features and drivers. A powerful system diagnostic system that allows you to "see how to live" system in detail;
A powerful development system graphical user interface. Supports templates (called Gina and SuperDzhiny, as well as graphic templates pages), symbols, advanced graphics manipulation of objects, powerful animation tools, working with gradient fills, gradient color manipulation of images, a large library of predefined symbols, predefined templates, graphics pages;
Live configuration changes without stopping the server or client with the ability to return to the original configuration;
A very flexible approach to configure all parts of the SCADA system including solution of specific problems. Ability to embed scripts almost everywhere;
Unlimited communication capabilities with external devices. Supported by about 280 units from famous and not-so producers, support industry-standard protocols: ASCII, BacNet, DNP 3.0, EIB, IEC870-5, Modbus, OPC, Profibus, SNMP. Support in RTU-switched connections;
Built-in emulation configured communications c hardware allows you to work on the project without the required equipment;
Openness. Supported by its own CtAPI for access to the Vijeo Citect with applications written in VB, VC + + or. Net. Vijeo Citect is both an OPC client and server, using Cicode can gain access to the services of Windows, for example, by calling functions from the DLL. There is a set of DDK to develop their drivers;
Integration with Schneider Electric Unity Pro and UAG;
Wednesday is free configuration, runtime (Runtime) runs in demo mode without the hardware key.

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