Hoyle Board Games 2005 - PHXiSO (Full ISO/2005)
PC | 2005 | Publisher: Encore Software, Inc. | Developer: Sierra Ent. | 717.51 MB

HoyleBoard Games represents the cutting edge of computer technology with itsbeautiful graphics and involving gameplay, but the games themselvesbelong to history. Hoyle Board Games includes 16 board games. You canalways find opponents to play with from among the ten animated Hoylecharacters: Bart, Elayne, Ethel, Gax, Harley, Jasper, Marvin, Maurice,Robin and Roswell. You can use Facemaker to create faces to representyourself while playing Hoyle games on the computer or over the Internet,or you can choose from many pre fabricated shadow characters.
to all the rip groups that cant supply their own titles: stopabusingour titles without giving credit to PHXiSO in your nfoor ask for fuckingpermission. we work hard to bring this shitto the world for free. payus the respect due! without us your groups wouldnt be here.

Unpack, burn, install and enjoy!

Minimum System Requirements
Operating System:Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP
System: PII 233 MHz or equivalent
RAM: 32 MB
