Sony Vegas Pro ver. 11 Build 510/511 (32/64Bit) by Digtal Insanity - SWTZ

Sony Vegas Pro ver. 11 Build 510/511 (32/64Bit) by Digtal Insanity - SWTZ | 400 MB
Provides an efficient, intuitive and integrated content creation environment for video and broadcast professionals.
Now featuring GPUaccelerated performance with OpenCLsupported devices, Vegas Pro 11 powers through video processing and rendering tasks with ease.
With innovative stereoscopic 3D tools, broad format support, unparalleled audio control, and GPUignited effects processing and rendering, the Vegas Pro 11 collection streamlines your workflow like never before.
Features and Benefits
Precise editing tools
Professional 32 and 64bit workflow
Stereoscopic 3D editing
Superior audio control
Broad format support
Powerful Bluray Disc authoring
Learn as you go with easy Interactive Tutorials
Microsoft Windows 7 compatible
Change Log:
Notable fixes/changes in version 11.0 (Build 510/511)
Updated Sony AVC format render template customization to support AVCHD 2.0.
Added StreamChase feature for editing media while it is being ingested by an XDCAM Professional Media Station.
Added Sony Tablet presets to Sony AVC format.
Improved performance for MVC reading.
Added support for 24p MVC as well as support for additional 3D cameras (such as the Panasonic Z10000).
Reenabled support for Mono (multiple) templates for AIFF and Wave formats.
Add the ability to create folders in Compositors window.
Added Titles & Text Scroll Left preset for creating text crawls.
Extended Titles & Text animation from first line to all lines for builtin presets.
Added GPU acceleration for Pan/Crop rotation as well as Track Motion rotation, shadow, and glow.
Added GPU acceleration for all track compositing modes.
Added GPU acceleration to the Swap, Push, Slide, Squeeze, Spiral, Zoom, Barn Door, and Split transitions.
Added GPU acceleration to the Invert effect.
Added GPU acceleration to the Checkerboard generator.
Improved GPUaccelerated image quality for downscaled images.
Implemented some performance improvements in ProType Titler and Titles & Text generators.
The cursor now stops at the exact end of a recorded event when recording is paused (for example, when using the Enter key).
Upload to YouTube has been updated according to the YouTube specification: commas (not spaces) are used to delimit tags, and singlecharacter tags are not allowed.
Projects burned to Bluray Disc from the timelines now show elapsed time on hardware players.
Fixed a crash that could occur when creating transitions using NumPad or .
Fixed a crash that could occur when using audio plugins protected with PACE iLok system.
Fixed a crash that could occur when rendering to ATRAC Advanced Lossless format.
Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting the application after playing back time stretching on audio events.
Fixed a crash that could occur when opening certain unsupported MXF files.
Fixed an issue with Burn Timeline to Bluray Disc that caused an invalid Bluray image to be created when using the MainConcept MPEG2 video format.
Fixed an image glitch that could occur with GPUaccelerated MainConcept AVC rendering.
Fixed an issue with GPU accelerated Sony AVC rendering using AMD Catalyst 11.10 or 11.11.
Fixed an issue reading MPEG2 files with nonLatin characters in the file name or path.
Fixed an issue displaying certain nonLatin characters in ProType Titler and Titles & Text.
Fixed issues when using nonsquare pixel aspect projects with some video plugins.
Fixed an that prevented doubleclicking an OFX popup fader from setting the correct default value.
Fixed an issue where transitions would not appear on the Transition shortcut menu.
Fixed an issue with Chroma Keyer changing colors when used in 32bit floating point mode without GPU acceleration.
Fixed an issue with Pixelate producing incorrect output when used without GPU acceleration.
Fixed issues with Color Curves and Levels when used with images containing transparent alpha channels.
NVIDIA drivers prior to R270 are not allowed for GPUaccelerated video processing as they can cause crashes.
Fixed Paste Event Attributes to also paste OFX keyframes.
Fixed an issue that could cause events to use the wrong media in certain circumstances (seen when project is later loaded).
Fixed scroll wheel support for devices with highresolution scroll wheels.
Fixed an issue that prevented mouse clicks from selecting the active multicamera take when external monitor fullscreen view was enabled.
Fixed duplicate devices that could be displayed in Device Explorer.
Fixed issues with External Controls not being detected when added and MIDI learning in Control Configure not working.
Fixed an issue with closing audio ports when Close audio and MIDI ports when not the active application was enabled in Preferences > General.
Notable fixes/changes in version 11.0 (Build 424/425)
Enabled GPU acceleration for NVIDIA GPUs with Compute Capability prior to 2.0 when using driver 285.62 or newer. See This Web page for a list of Compute Capability levels for various NVIDIA GPUs:
Improved performance for GPUaccelerated video processing for certain GPU and chipsets.
Improved performance for GPUaccelerated Page Loop, Page Peel, and Page Roll transitions.
Improved performance for GPUaccelerated Noise Texture generator.
Improved performance for OFX media generators that are not animated.
Added support for 422 profile in MainConcept MPEG2 custom templates.
Changed the default field order for MainConcept MPEG2 NTSC DVD templates to upper first (which is more common and matches more source media).
Fixed an issue reading AVI files created by Autodesk 3ds Max.
Fixed an issue that could cause silent audio on certain long MP4 files.
Fixed an issue that prevented MainConcept MPEG2 custom templates from Vegas Pro 10 from functioning correctly.
Fixed an issue that could cause MainConcept GPUaccelerated AVC rendering to fail in some cases.
Fixed an issue where previewing Cross Effect in the Transitions window could make the preview thumbnails incorrect for subsequent previews.
Fixed a Yaxis inversion in the Mirror plugin.
Fixed an issue with certain settings of the Cookie Cutter plugin not matching previous version.
Fixed a freeze that could occur when rendering a 32bit floating point project with certain FirePro GPUs.
Fixed an issue that allowed compositor plugins to be dragged to events.
Fixed an issue that allowed more than one compositor plugin on a track.
Fixed an issue with Color Corrector and Color Corrector (Secondary) color wheel interpolation when crossing the zerodegree line.
Fixed an issue that could cause Media FX to be dropped when relinking media.
Fixed an issue that could produce incorrect output for the Sepia plugin when used on images with transparency.
Fixed an issue with the Levels plugin that could produce incorrect results in some cases if Channel was not set to All.
Fixed an issue that could cause artifacts for high settings of the Feather control when processing was not GPU accelerated.
Fixed an issue that caused Stereoscopic 3D Adjust floating windows to be transparent when processing was GPU accelerated.
Fixed an issue that could cause an error when rendering to certain MainConcept MPEG2 templates.
Fixed Cookie Cutter plugin shapes for projects with nonsquare pixel aspect ratios.
Fixed an issue with Defocus, Glint, Rays, Soft Contrast, and Starburst when used with images with alpha channel or transparency.
Fixed an exception error that could occur with certain editing scenarios in the ProType Titler.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using the RE:Vision Effects ClampTime plugin.
Fixed a case where a keyframe could be created for an incorrect parameter when using the Custom view of an OFX plugin (such as Color Corrector).
Fixed an issue that could cause Paste Event Attributes to use the wrong events attributes when the source events were grouped.
When using the Upload to YouTube dialog, tags must be at least two characters long. The Upload button is unavailable if your tag is shorter than two characters.
Vegas Pro 11 system requirements
Microsoft Windows Vista 32bit or 64bit SP2, or Windows 7 32bit or 64bit
2 GHz processor (multicore or multiprocessor CPU recommended for HD or stereoscopic 3D)
400 MB harddisk space for program installation
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
OHCIcompatible i.LINK connector/IEEE1394DV card (for DV and HDV capture and printtotape)
USB 2.0 connection (for importing from AVCHD, XDCAM EX, NXCAM, or DVD camcorders)
Windowscompatible sound card
DVDROM drive (for installation from a DVD only)
Supported CDrecordable drive (for CD burning only)
Supported DVDR/RW/ R/ RW (for DVD burning only)
Supported BDR/RE drive (for Bluray Disc burning only)
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (included on application disc)
Apple QuickTime 7.1.6 or later
Internet Connection (for Gracenote MusicID Service)
Supported NVIDIA or ATI cards for GPUacceleration (please see the GPU acceleration page for more information)
Install Instructions:
Step 1. Install and CLOSE the Appropriate Version of the program for your OS.
Step 2. Read diginsan.nfo.
Enjoy !!!
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