SpaceClaim 2011 Build 01242 MAGNiTUDE (New link)

SpaceClaim 2011 Build 01242 MAGNiTUDE (Repost) | 1.50 GB

SpaceClaim - developer of software for creating and editing of 3D-solid models. The leader of the company is Michael Payne - formerly co-founder of PTC and one of the founders of SolidWorks, later worked as executive director at Spatial Corp. and chief technologist at Dassault Systemes.

SpaceClaim 2011 Engineer - software for creating and editing of 3D-solid models, primarily addressed to engineers who want to contribute to the development of products, but are not currently using any of the "primary??? MCAD-systems. The program can work with most formats, 3D MCAD-systems, as well as to store data in its own, completely open format based on the technology of XML.

SpaceClaim Engineer 2011 system can serve as a complement to the functional NX and improve the user experience. In addition, SpaceClaim Engineer 2011 contributes to the effectiveness of the company as a whole, extending all the benefits of 3D to all stakeholders. Thus, optimizing the product design process, improving information sharing, which leads to a decrease in the number of iterations during the design process and accelerate the withdrawal of products on the market.
SpaceClaim 2011 gives engineers a new level of flexibility in the design process.

Improvements made to the SpaceClaim 2011, include increased opportunities to work with sheet metal, and the following options:
- Terms of placement support mechanisms function of contact, ball joints, gears.
- Direct application of three-dimensional points, lines and grooves.
- Advanced options for working with sheet metal, such as a new library and new forms, flat patterns, folding in three-dimensional objects, easy configuration, engraving.
- Select the size of the components for rapid assembly cleaning of unnecessary components. Detailed options such as customizable characters, a library of symbols, modular-grid coordinate system for use in automotive and aerospace industries.
- Enhanced set their own tools and interactive objects.

Bit depth: 32bit +64 bit
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7 full time
Language: English
Medicine: Present

System Requirements:
Microsoft ??? Windows XP SP3, Microsoft ??? Windows Vista ???, Microsoft ??? Windows 7 ???
minimal solution of 1024x768.
Pentium ??? 4 2.0 GHZ or Athlon ??? 2000 + or higher, 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
Minimum: 512MB RAM (32-bit), 1Gb RAM (64-bit)

Version: 2011 Build 01242
Developer: SpaceClaim Corporation

