Portable SolidWorks Office 2012 SP2 Win7 + Plugin 3DQuickMold 2011 SP1 x86 \ x64 (2012)

Portable SolidWorks Office 2012 SP2 Win7 + Plugin 3DQuickMold 2011 SP1 x86 \ x64 (2012) | 2.70 GB

SolidWorks - computer-aided design, engineering analysis and manufacture of products of any complexity and purpose. Also present in the assembly plugin 3DQuickMold 2011 - is intended for designing injection molds for plastics in the environment of SolidWorks.

Orignal Provider --> Freshwap.com

Portable SolidWorks Office 2012
Version: 2012
Bit: 32/64bit
Compatibility with Vista: No
Compatible with Windows XP: No
Language: English + Russian
Medicine: Present
System requirements: Windows 7

Plugin 3DQuickMold 2011
Year / Date: 2012
Version: 2011 Build SP1
Bit depth: 32bit +64 bit
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7 full time
Language: English
Medicine: Present

Portable SolidWorks Office 2012
SolidWorks - computer-aided design, engineering analysis and manufacture of products of any complexity and purpose.
SolidWorks is the core of an integrated set of enterprise automation, through which the support of the product life cycle, in accordance with the concept of CALS-technologies, including bi-directional data exchange with other Windows-based applications and the creation of online documentation.
Depending on the class of tasks customers are three basic system configurations: SolidWorks, SolidWorks Professional and SolidWorks Premium.

CAD developer SolidWorks is a SolidWorks Corp. (USA), an independent division of Dassault Systemes (France) - the world leader in high-tech software.
Development of SolidWorks Corp. characterized by high levels of quality, reliability and productivity, which in combination with qualified support for SolidWorks makes the best decision for the industry.

Extras. Information: The program portable. However, it needs activation. To activate you need to create from the downloaded. Exe-file icon to run the Activator and change the properties of the shortcut: in the "object" at the end by adding a margin sw2010-2012.activator.ssq If the "object" text enclosed in quotation marks, indentation should be done for the right quotes
Procedure: start with the shortcut created on behalf of the activator admin and activate the program. Windows will appear, which you should answer "Yes", except for proposals to activate the SW2010 and SW2011. The last window - with the wish of good luck. After that, run the program itself with the downloaded. Exe-file
Start-up - on behalf of the administrator.

Plugin 3DQuickMold
3DQuickMold intended for designing injection molds for plastics in the environment of SolidWorks.


