Snow Leopard 10.6.2 VmWare (Mac OSX) (Reup 05.12)

Snow Leopard 10.6.2 VmWare (Mac OSX)| 2.28 GB

Intel's processor with SSE3 and vyshe.VMware Workstation 7.i Free Space 10 GB
Language: English, Russian
License: Freeware

Description: Set yourself Mac OS X Snow leopard Universal v3.6 (10.6.2) in vmware workstation 7
Extras. information: user name "svp" password "123"
- Provided by VM: RAM 1000 Mb, cpu 1, HDD 30 GB. eakrana resolution 1024x768x32
- Works: audio, bluetooth, network mode NAT. the system itself operates with a bang! do not hang up.
- Reloaded just fine mounted either way works with darwin.iso Important! not overloaded with darwin.iso, you can just turn off and then on again or you will get
operating system not found but it is treated, you must again specify darwin.iso in the VM.
how to start
1. open the downloaded preset image.
2. choose Copied.
3. devices to select the CD / DVD
4. specify the use iso images, select image darwin.iso
5. select connect at power on.
- If you reboot the inscription gives operating system not found this is normal! as he throws the image darwin.iso just need to reiterate it in a VM and run!
- If any other errors detected! verify whether the parameters are setting the VM to your real hardware! or ART pressing F8 boot with the-v option and look at what stoporit.VMWare Tools lie directly on darwin.iso, need to attach it (in the settings of the virtual machine tick Connected), with a disk icon will appear on VMware tools, click there, click on the installer , agree with everything set, reboot).
installed StuffIt Deluxe 2010 v14.0.0.74. Screenshots
