Navitel Navigator + Card (Russia/Belarus) Android

Navitel Navigator + Card (Russia/Belarus) Android | 2.29 GB
Assembly contains Navitel Navigator for Android, as well as maps: Russia + Belarus.
Navitel Navigator
The mapping of priority lanes for maneuver. Navitel help prepare for an upcoming maneuver in advance, specifying the correct lane road to rebuild. At the request of the user a hint on selecting bands for maneuver may be displayed at the top or bottom of the screen, or at all can be turned off in your program.
Updated sensors service "Navitel.Probki" and information about the satellites. Sensor "Navitel.Probki" now displays information about traffic jams in the city in points - from one to ten, and the sensor "Sputnik" indicates the number of active satellites. Red icons satellites means that the current user's location is not defined, yellow indicates the satellite to receive data on the coordinates through the A-GPS, and the icon becomes green when "caught" at least four satellites.
New Search "nearest" objects POI. Before you start searching the nearest POI, the user is prompted to choose a place as to which will be searched: next to the current location, next to your location, along the paved path next to the finish point of the route, or around the site, pre-specified cursor on the map.
Turn map with two fingers. If the display device supports Multitouch, by rotating two fingers on the screen, the device can change the orientation of the map to the cardinal. For devices without support for Multitouch map rotation is available with a smooth motion with his finger on the scale of magnitude.
Warnings about excessive speed. In addition to warning of the approach to the Speedcam, Navitel can now warn the user about the speeding on this stretch of road. Configure the notifications (visual or audio, and for what values ??of the excess) is in the Settings menu, under "Warnings."
The option "Turn on the movement." Changed the Work of the rotation function map while driving. Map rotation now occurs with respect to the direction of the user, regardless of the direction paved route.
Improved algorithm for constructing routes. The updated routing algorithm based on the data about traffic jams can be avoided "loops" in the construction of the route. Fixed bug with periodic construction routes "straight" with the automatic re-route. Adjustments were made in the construction of the "short" route. Adapted routing option, taking into account reversals.
Visual effects. Improved display of 3D-models on the map at a scale of 2000km display the background color changed to black (Cosmos). The maximum number of weather forecasts on the map is reduced to 5 objects. Improved drawing of the map.
Adjustments were made in the automatic update check cards.
Podgruzhennaya prior information about the traffic jams will be available when you restart the program.
Improved support for smart phones and tablet screens with higher resolution display.
Fixed possible stuttering voice prompts on some Android-devices.
Increased stability and performance of Navitel Navigator.
How to install:
Set appropriate. Apk
NavitelContent - copied to the root of the memory card.
NavitelContent \ Maps - map here
NavitelContent \ Skins - Skins here
NavitelContent \ Speedcams - radar here.
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