[other] Tell Me More Performance 9 - (Italian/German) - 10 Levels
Tell Me More Performance 9 - (Italian/German) - 10 Levels
Tell Me More Performance 9 - (Italian/German) - 10 Levels | 1,38/1,41 Gb
Tell Me More is also one of the best applications for improving your pronunciation and conversation skills. The speech recognition program can accurately assess your accent and give you immediate feedback. Users can also access an online area where they can practice what they have learned with native speakers. You'll also be able to easily keep track of your progress with Tell Me More, as well as identify where your strengths and weaknesses lie.
The progress tracking feature brings all of this information into one place. Add this to excellent teaching tools, compatibility with MP3 players and good customer support, and it's easy to see why Tell Me More came out on top.
Italian - 10 Levels
You'll be ready to travel Italy like a native with Tell Me More Italian. Tell Me More Italian, by Auralog, is the TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award winner for learn Italian software available, offering customizable lessons, accurate speech recognition, and a myriad of teaching methods to help you learn every aspect of Italian. Tell Me More Italian is designed to grow with you as your understanding of Italian increases, giving you the tools to learn the language well enough to communicate with native speakers effortlessly. This flexibility and customization make Tell Me More a good choice no matter what your learning style is.
German - 10 Levels
Tell Me More German is learn German software that clearly leads the field in language learning. Their state-of-the-art speech recognition technology is far and beyond the best we've seen in other learn German software products and helps it earn the TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award. As you learn German and become more confident, Tell Me more grows with you. We reviewed the first two levels of the Performance edition; however, Auralog also sells boxed sets of 5 levels and all 10 levels for intermediate and advanced learning. This program is sophisticated and professional. Auralog designed Tell Me More German for someone who truly wants to learn and master the German language.
System requirements:
1.7GHz CPU, 256MB RAM (512MB for Vista), 1024x768 graphics card (24bits), 16bit sound card, microphone
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