Unity 3D Pro 3.5.1 f2 x86

Unity 3D Pro 3.5.1 f2 x86

And the complete video course on Digital Tutors (2012) | 1.72 GB

Unity 3D Pro - is a multi-platform tool for game development, from the beginning created to facilitate your work. The program includes a full set of professional qualities of the application. In the complete video course from developer Digital Tutors: New Features in Unity 3.5 in English.

System Requirements for Unity Authoring:

* Windows: XP SP2 or later; Mac OS X: Intel CPU & -Leopard- 10.5 or later. Note that Unity was not tested on server versions of Windows and OS X.

* Graphics card with 64 MB of VRAM and pixel shaders or four texture units. Any card made in this millennium should work.

* Using Occlusion Culling requires GPU with Occlusion Query support (some Intel GPUs do not support that).

* The rest only depends on the complexity of your projects!.

System Requirements for Unity iOS Authoring:

* An Intel-based Mac

* Mac OS X -Snow Leopard- 10.6 or later

* The rest only depends on the complexity of your projects!

System Requirements for Unity Android Authoring:

* In addition to the general system requirements for Unity Authoring

* Windows XP SP2 or later; Mac OS 10.5.8 or later

* Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK)

System Requirements for Unity-Authored Content:

* Windows 2000 or later; Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

* Pretty much any 3D graphics card, depending on complexity.

* Online games run on all browsers, including IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, among others.

Major changes in Unity 3D Pro 3.5.1:


* PvrTexTool updated to version Textures with alpha can now be compressed in Best mode with PVRTC.

* IOS: Added support for -retina- iPad splash screens and icons.


* Android: Added support for AndroidJavaClass marshaling.

* Android: Removed excessive logging when using AndroidJavaObject et al.

* IOS: Added iOS 5.1 selected in Player Settings.

* IOS: Added iPhoneGeneration.iPad3Gen.

* The Unity version number is always printed to the log file.


* Android: APK files created from Eclipse could sometimes not be read, causing the application to close immediately.

* Android: If the Java classpath did not include the current directory ('.') The APK signing step would fail.

* Audio: Fixed audio playback parameters being clamped incorrectly when too many audio sources are playing at the same time.

* Editor: Fixed hang when building very large amounts of asset bundles.

* Editor: Fixed static batching not working when loading level through Application.LoadLevel ().

* Editor: When entering play mode hide the 'default' quality settings as they are stripped for build.

* Editor: Fixed out of memory crash while building when having many resources in resource folder.

* Editor: Fixed rare crash when importing material with bumpmap shader but bumpmap texture was not assigned.

* Editor: Fixed rare crash that could occur if user had changed gizmo icon on asset.

* Editor: Fixed crash that would happen if you tried to get the asset path of the material passed to AssetPostprocessor.OnAssingMaterialModel.

* Editor: Fixed bug where animation window would say an animation event has no receivers, when there are multiple MonoBehaviours.

* Editor: Fixed bug where building a scene asset bundle would give incorrect error messages.

* Editor: Fixed title of File saving dialog when building for NaCl (it incorrectly said -Unsupported Build Target-).

* Editor: Fixed editor freezing while debugging in some situations.

* Editor: Fix for a situation where changing color in the gradient editor could change color of a previous edited colorfield. (OSX issue only)

* Editor: Fixed shutting down the editor process when opening another or new project from within the editor. (Windows issue only)

* Editor: Fixed crash when incorrect assembly is loaded in some rare scenarios.

* Graphics: Fixed static batching adding extra polygons (meshes) because of extra (unused) materials on input meshes.

* Graphics: Fixed projector culling so it only renders objects inside projector.

* Graphics: Fixed shader compilation for shaders that used a lighting function needing view direction (eg BlinnPhong) and passed the 'dualforward' surface directive parameter.

* Graphics: Removed warnings that can be safely ignored (-InsideCameraRender- and -VertexCompNone- warnings).

* Graphics: Fixed lens flare rendering when deferred lighting with an image effect (with the ImageEffectOpaque attribute) was used and there was transparent geometry in the scene.

* IOS: Fixed basic license splash screen issue when application is built with Xcode 4.3.x.

* IOS: Fixed problem when logging to console via System.Console.Write * or JS / Boo print () was throwing exception on iOS 5.1 non-development devices.

* Memory management: Reduced fragmentation in the heap allocators.

* Memory management: Fixed race condition in realloc.

* Mobile: Fixed random crashes with skinned meshes (Cloth in call stack). Re-enabled cloth simulation.

* Mobiles: Fixed skinning performance regression.

* Mobiles: Fixed performance regression with GuiTexture on Adreno devices.

* MonoDevelop: Fixed a case where opening a newly-added script from Unity wouldn't cause the script to get focus.

* Native Client: Fixed loading JPEG files as textures using WWW class.

* OS X and Windows: Fixed very rare crash in SSE mesh skinning code.

* OS X: Fixed standalone crash bug, where it would crash immediately on startup when the -Restore Windows- requester would appear after a previous crash.

* Profiler: Fixed an issue where the player might crash when 'Autoconnect Profiler' was selected.

* Substance: fixed colors being shuffled in the editor during the build process if -Fastest- quality mode is selected.

* Web Player: Prevent Internet Explorer from crashing when more than one tab is used.

* Web Player: Prevent Firefox from hanging on exit.

* Web Player: Fixed bug where editor built incorrect data for compressed meshes in the webplayer.

* Web Player: Make input more responsive for 2.x content.

* Web Player: Fixed crash when assetbundle download was canceled.

* Web Player: Fixed BeginScrollView missing method exception in 3.4 content.

* Windows: Fixed a crash when using SkinnedCloth and switching into fullscreen mode.

* Fixed issue where AssetBundle.Unload (false) caused lots of error messages to be printed when calling Resources.UnloadUnusesAssets () or loading a level.

* Fixed out of memory crash when loading a corrupted. Prefab file.

* Fixed memory manager race condition.

* Realtime only lights only affect dynamic geometry. This is the same behaviour as 3.4. Once content is published with 3.5 the fixed renderloop is used.

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