Adobe Master Collection CS6 Activation and Lightroom 4 and Bonus Materials

Adobe Master Collection CS6 Activation and Lightroom 4 and Bonus Materials | 1.10 GB

What's new in Master Collection CS6?

Adobe® Creative Suite® 6 Master Collection software delivers unprecedented performance with blazing-fast 64-bit native support and GPU acceleration. Groundbreaking new creative tools provide innovative ways to design for the latest devices. With exceptional power and precision, you can create inspiring experiences that go anywhere.* Learn more >

Top features in CS6 Master Collection

Content-Aware technology in Photoshop Extended

Retouch images with astonishing ease, control, and precision in Adobe Photoshop® Extended. Remove or move selected image objects, and Content-Aware technology magically fills, patches, extends, or recomposes your image with stunning results.

Seamless vector pattern creation in Illustrator

Easily create seamlessly tiled vector patterns in Adobe Illustrator®. Experiment freely with different types of repeating patterns that can be edited at any time for maximum design flexibility.

Dynamic timeline trimming in Adobe Premiere Pro

Finesse your edits with precision using advanced trimming tools in Adobe Premiere® Pro CS6. Trim clips directly in the timeline via keyboard entry or in the Program Monitor using JKL shortcuts.

This is the first of a series of reviews that will cover what is contained in the Adobe CS6 Master Collection. Adobe releases CS6 with four separate suites of products. They are Design Standard, Design & Web Premium, Production Premium, and Master Collection. Add to that, they a have also have the Creative Cloud - a subscription based suite that gives you access to all of the individual products for a $49.99 per month subscription fee. You can go online to compare what is contained in each version. The goal of this series it to define what each product does and provide information of what the new version brings to the table.

As with the recent releases of Photoshop, this version also comes in two editions; the standard of Photoshop, and Photoshop CS6 Extended edition. The extended version is targeted to professionals in film and television, manufacturing, architecture, engineering, medicine, science, and those doing 3D rendering.

Photoshop CS6 is a raster graphics editor. That is, it is an editor that allows users to manipulate, edit, composite, and paint images on a computer screen and save them in one of many popular raster file formats including JPEG, PNG, GIF and TIFF. This makes Photoshop extremely good for working with photographs

So what is new with Photoshop CS6?

. New Crop Tool - is hardware accelerated and completely new. It now has multiple overlays including ones for working with the Golden Ration, Golden Spiral, Diagonal, Triangle, Grid, as well as the Rule of Thirds. The Crop tool now also works in a non-destructive mode meaning that you can use it and never lose your content. There is also a Perspective Crop tool that uses a flexible marquee to outline and straighten image elements or scenes photographed on an angle. You can now also save your specific crop dimensions as presets giving you the ability to perform consistent crops across a whole series of images.

. Extended Content-Aware family of technologies - has now added two new retouching tools. The first is a Content-Aware mode for the Patch tool. This gives you greater control when repairing images by letting you choose the sample area where you want to create the patch, and then adjusting how the patch is applied. Then it also gives you the ability to specify more precisely how the patch is blended with the image. The second tool is the Content-Aware Move tool. Using this tool you can move or extend an object to another area in the image. The tool then automatically recomposes and blends the object giving you the ability to reposition awkward elements to create better compositions, interactively extend the top of an image to change its format from horizontal to vertical, or increase the size of an object to make it more dominant in a design.

. Sophisticated text formatting - across your designs with type styles. You can use new Paragraph Styles to control the characteristics of everything from groups of sentences to whole pages of type. By using Character Styles you can control the look of individual letters, words, or phrases. You can even define your own custom styles and then apply them to the text in your design, or style the text first and then use it as a basis for a new style entry. These can be used across multiple documents in a project to ensure design uniformity.

. New Vector Layers - give you the ability to create shapes, lines, and objects and then apply custom strokes and fills to style these objects. This provides you the ability to have more control over vector content that you create, and gives you the ability to select, group, unite, or subtract shapes and paths after creating them. You can fill shapes with preset or user-defined gradients, colors, or patterns, and then outline the edges with custom strokes and dashed lines. And when you need crisper images, align vector content to the pixel grid with the new Snap-To-Pixel and Align Edges options. You can even find key layers in complex documents more easily with new filtering options located directly in the Layers panel.

. New scripted patterns - now give you the ability to create a wider variety of geometric patterns faster. You can build sophisticated and complex pattern designs using custom swatches coupled with scripted production. You can also offset, scale, and/or rotate more than one image patch, along with any transparency it contains, using your own custom pattern scripts or one of the presets included with the product.

. Skin-tone aware - selections and masking help you to create better selections and masks with a new option that isolates faces in your photos, enabling you to easily perform skin-tone adjustments or, conversely, preserve skin tones while you adjust the color of everything else.

. Intuitive video creation - provides you with the ability to edit and enhance video from within Photoshop CS6. Through the use of a new interface, with an extended feature set and workflow, you can enhance any clip using the full range of familiar Photoshop tools, and then create and render entire videos utilizing the power of Adobe Media Encoder. You can import a wider variety of video formats, including the popular AVCHD, MPEG4, and H.264 formats, thanks to the inclusion of a new video playback engine. Imported clips are automatically added as a new Video Group entry in the layers panel which makes management and editing of various components of video projects more consistent with the way that other documents are handled in Photoshop. A separate soundtrack entry in the Timeline panel allows for easy editing, positioning, and adjusting of audio with the video composition. Audio and video tracks can be moved independently, providing faster syncing of reference and high-quality soundtracks in the dual-system recording scenarios that are often used for DSLR-based video projects.

. Lens-Aware adjustments - lets you quickly straighten objects that appear curved in panoramas or photos that are shot with a fisheye or wide-angle lens. This filter uses the physical characteristics of individual lenses to automatically correct and straighten curved objects present in the image. You can even fine-tune the adjustments further with new on-canvas tools that let you identify which key objects in the scene to straighten and align vertically or horizontally. If there is no information about the lens that was used, you can calibrate the filter with a few simple steps before completing the custom straightening process.

. New Blur Effects - bring three new capabilities to Photoshop CS6. Use the Iris Blur option to apply an effect that starts with a sharp center and gradually blurs as you move toward the edges of the image. You can use the Field Blur option to build a custom gradient blur effect by placing multiple pins of different sharpness settings over the image. By using the Tilt-Shift option in a process that replicates the look often obtained with special-effect lenses or large-format monorail cameras. Users with modern graphics cards can preview all blur actions live with the Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine (the filter automatically switches to CPU mode for older systems). Use Iris Blur to add one or more focus points to your photo.

. Adobe Camera Raw 7 - has been updated with a new tone mapping algorithm and underpins an expanded set of intuitive controls that are easier to use and yet provide more powerful management of key image adjustments. Now you have much finer control over the spread of tones in your images, so you can now reveal every detail in the highlights while still retaining rich detail in the shadows. The plug-in includes better contrast management, improved syncing of changes between raw and JPEG files; new Highlights, Shadows, and Whites controls; and the ability to apply a much wider selection of alterations to sections of your photos using the Adjustment Brush.

. Rich painting toolset - increase the variety of your ability to paint and draw within Photoshop. You now have simpler painting with presets, spray-pattern effects with Airbrush tips, realistic color blends with the Mixer Brush, lifelike strokes with Erodible Tips and Bristle Tips. Erodible pencils and pastels are ones that wear down with use and provide a more natural look and feel to them. You can replicate spray-can effects with the new Airbrush Tip. Apply paint to your illustrations with a 3D conical spray. Change the style of the spray using Granularity, Spatter, Hardness, and Distortion controls, and alter the spread of the spray by interactively changing the distance between the tip and the canvas. Create a wider variety of strokes while painting with a static tip by using the new Brush Projection option. You can use the stylus tilt and rotation actions to give direction and angle to the stroke as it is being applied. Now, with this new addition to the Artistic filters, you can easily create the look of an oil painting.

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