Lucy searches Super Fucker!
Nombre :Lucy searches Super Fucker!
Duración :81 min
Genero :Germangoogirls, Brunette*, *Blonde*, *Teen*, *Anal*, *Gagging*, *Atm.
Censura :No.
Peso :1.001.29 MB
Calidad Video :Buena, Good.
Código Video :25343.
Código Temporal :GGGC000328.
Año Realizado :2008.
Actriz :*Lucy, Steffi.
Idioma :English.
Subtitulo :No.
Sipnosis :Time has come: Lucy searches Super Fucker! Rules are quite easy: Everybody ( YOU included! ) is allowed to stuff his cock into her pussy and show his qualities to fuck. You're allowed to carry your grade back home - but not your cum! That's for Lucy! Call us and show your qualities!.
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